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How to Support AFSO

Donate to AFSO

The heart of our program is our volunteer teaching faculty, both professors and teaching assistants. Because of their generosity, our costs are limited to our small staff; data cards that enable our students to connect to the internet for our classes; our English language learning site; and online registration management. As a result, it costs us only $37/month to educate an Afghan student. Our Summer 2024 campaign, Building the Bridge, exemplifies AFSO's mission: to create and help our students pass over the bridge linking their current situation to their educational goals and career aspirations. We have a generous matching grant to double the power of your gift. Remember:

• $37,000 will educate 100 women, one-fifth of the women we serve, for an entire year.

• $3,700 will educate 10 women for a year.

• $2,000 will pay for data packages for 10 women for an entire year.

• $370 will educate a woman for a year.

• $200 will cover data packages for a student for a year.

• $111 will educate a student for a semester.