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Donate by September 1, 2024, to meet our matching pledge of $100,000. Let's build the bridge!

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Education for Afghan women...

. . . is a necessity for their survival. A soldier's biggest support is his weapon. For Afghan women, education is the weapon that is going to save our lives."

-- Sadia G., AFSO student

Logo by Somaya J., AFSO student

Afghan Female Student Outreach recruits students from all provinces of Afghanistan for credit-bearing and non-credit university seminars, taught remotely in real time, in English language learning; quantitative sciences, engineering & architecture; life sciences & health; social sciences; history and philosophy; literature; and the arts.

"I am really happy that I was a student in this program. I know a lot of things that are very useful for me. I didn't believe foreign people would help me because until now no one helped me. I cannot describe my feeling in two lines. Also, you were volunteers. Thank you all for serving us and everything that you are doing for us. AFSO is like a mother to her students."

AFSO in the News

From the Alliance for the Education of Afghan Women:

AFSO is offering a pathway for students to improve their English, writing, and critical thinking skills to the point where they are prepared to face the challenge of obtaining admission to respected universities and programs in their field outside Afghanistan. 


From the Chronicle of Higher Education:

We began the way children are sometimes taught to swim: We threw ourselves into the water of the emergency that was the plight of Afghan women barred from education. The suicide rate among these women, we knew, had been skyrocketing. Depression was rampant. We were college professors, and thousands of these women were — had been — college students. We felt a particular call to help.


From Sonya Huber on Substack:

What I didn't really anticipate was the beautiful writing, the fierce commitment of this group of 12 students, the acute insight of these short descriptive pieces, and the sense of connection I feel to each of them.


I really appreciate each and every person who take the efforts for Afghan women and girls. From all the professors who spend their time at our disposal so that we can learn. And we know that you make every effort to educate us. And we will not disappoint you with our efforts. -- Shilla R., AFSO student, medical student


I think the most important experience that I've had in this semester was constancy, the constancy of the AFSO group for helping us Afghan girls. -- Fayezah M., AFSO student, engineering student


I want other girls of my country to experience what I experienced with AFSO. -- Nadia A., AFSO student, literature student